“Everybody is entitled to make a living,
just not at the expense of other living creatures”
The following is a legislative proposal drafted by Larry Romano out of his deep concern for the welfare of animals.
He truly hopes that his proposal is considered by state or federal legislatures for implementation into law.
The Solution – Strict New Federal Breeding Laws that will put an end to overbreeding and stop the once endless stream of Cats and Dogs who are slaughtered at Tax Payer Funded Animal Shelters.
The Financial Burden …
It cost American Taxpayers between $1 to $2 billion annually a year to shelter and/or euthanize homeless dogs and cats that are the products of over breeding.
Future Career Opportunities …
When the New Breeding Laws are put into effect the shelters will begin to empty out, and Shelter Workers will be given the opportunity to advance their careers and become Veterinarians, Educators and Trainers.
Pet Ownership Made Easy …
A lot of Big Cities and Small Towns have ordinances in place that make it difficult for its Citizens to share in the benefits of having a Pet, henceforth, along with our New Breeding Laws we will request that future Tax Dollars spent on Infrastructure also include money for state of the art Dog Parks and a the relaxing of laws that make owning a pet while living in Public Housing difficult.
The Team …
All Animal lovers can apply. Rescues, Shelters, Major Sports Heros and Celebrities.
Kacey Montoya in Los Angeles is very active in Animal Causes, as are many other Celebrities.
Goals …
1) Get Political Leaders at the highest levels to enact strict breeding laws for Canines and Felines.
2) Establish Strict breeding rules and guidelines with the help of noted Breeders from across the country.
3) Create a Pet Friendly Environment across America, and especially in Schools and in Public Housing.
4) Petition Government to include state of the art Dog Parks in their Infrastructure Budget.
5) Create an Environment Beneficial to Certified and Registered Legitimate Breeders, their Animals, The People who purchase them, and Society.
6) Educate Backyard Breeders who really love Animals and offer them the Opportunity to become Certified and Registered Legitimate Breeders.
7) Find Homes, or places in Society for the millions of Dogs and Cats in Shelters.
8) Install programs like Mutt-i-Grees into schools that Educate this generation and future generations of the benefits a Dog and a Cat can bring to their lives.
9) Install programs like the K-9 Track Stars into Schools.
10) Ask Newspaper and Online Outlets, (i.e. Craigslist) to Vigorously publicize the Strict New Breeding Laws, Penalties, Fines and Rewards for Information leading to the arrest of Illegal Breeders. And disallow the advertising of Animals for sale by Non-Certified Registered Breeders.
11) Work with Major Pet Store Chains to find homes for Shelter dogs, and eventually market and sell Cats and Dogs Breed by Certified Registered Breeders.
Things to do ….
1) Finalize the Written Breeding Laws and the educational Programs to be installed in Schools.
2) Lobby The President to enact very strict breeding laws regarding Dogs and Cats.
3) Publicize the New Laws through Mainstream Media and Social Media.
A) Get the Word out to Society warning All Breeders of the Consequences and Financial Penalties that will be incurred if convicted of these crimes.
B) Alert the Public to the Financial Rewards for supplying Information that leads to the arrest and conviction of The New Great American Breeding Law.
C) Petition all Major Newspapers and Internet Outlets, ( i.e. Craigslist) to stop allowing unlicensed Breeders to advertise on their outlets.
4) Transition Shelters into Training Centers/No kill Temporary Fosters.
5) Establish New Areas of Employment in Animal Control for the employees of Public Animal Shelters.
6) Train Shelter workers in Various New Fields, i.e. Training the
Dogs in preparation of adoption, and working with Public and Private School Programs that teach Young Americans the value a properly trained, well behaved pet bring to their world.
Certified and Registered Dog and Cat Breeders will be allowed to cross breed and or trade their micro chipped un fixed Dogs and Cats with other Breeders.
The Task Force Bureau must be notified for research purposes of all of cross breeding and trades.
All Dog Breeders in the United States of America will have to be registered with the federal government after being certified by The Federal Dog and Cat Breeding Bureau,(aka DCBB)Task Force.
The DCBB task force will consist of Former Shelter Workers, Veterinarians and Law Enforcement Officers.
All Breeders will be subjected to random searches by the DCBB and stiff penalties will be imposed on Breeders who don’t fully abide by the laws.
All Breeders must keep the Animals in a safe, clean and comfortable environment.
All Breeders will be required to micro chip and neuter/spay their animals and Register the Animal in a Federal ID system.
All Breeders must document the sale of the animal, the name, address and social security number of the Person purchasing the animal.
All Breeders and Present Owners of Animals that end up on the street or at a shelter will be held responsible for all cost regarding the care and possible re-homing of the Animal if deemed necessary.
Purchasers of the animal will be given training classes and take a test, specific to the breed they are purchasing before becoming a license animal owner.
These Classes will be run former Shelter Workers certified to train Animals and work with their owners.
Programs like Mutt-i-Grees must be implemented into all schools. Teaching Young Americans how to make the most of the relationship with Pets will be very beneficial to our Society for this generation and generations to come.
Former Shelter workers who have taken the Opportunity to become Certified Teachers/Trainers in Animal Education will find jobs and career opportunities in these programs
K-9 Track Stars will be a coordinated effort by shelters/rescues and local high school students with the common goal of placing homeless dogs in an environment beneficial to all.
Any High School Sport that runs for athletic conditioning, ( i.e.: Track, Football, Wrestling) can benefit from the inspiration a willing canine can deliver. Dogs love to run and running helps keep Kids out of trouble and away from habits that lead to it, such as smoking, drinking and doing drugs.
Former Shelter Workers will deliver the dogs to the schools and train the Students on how to make the most of their time with the Animal.
For Insurance purposes the Dogs may have to be muzzled. Money used in the past to kill Cat and Dogs will be used to purchase muzzles.
Notifications, Fines and Rewards …
Billboard Ads will help get the word out, “There are Financial Rewards for those who inform on illegal Breeders”.
1) Petition every Congressman in the US to enact New Breeder laws in their state that will make it mandatory for them to Register with the state, micro-chip and fix all their puppies that are for sale.
2) Petition all members of Congress and all School boards to make dog education a part of their curriculum. Elementary school children will be introduced to all the breeds of dogs, cross breeds and mutts, and they will learn simple training techniques giving them the ability to learn, love and understand these beautiful animals.
3) Petition all members of congress to make the penalties for animal cruelty/abuse the same as the penalty child abuse.
4) Petition all members of congress to sign into law a bill that states illegal dog/cat breeders will face the same penalties as cooking meth. 5) Millions of Animals Lover must Petition Craigslist, and all newspapers and outlets that advertise the sale of animals forcing them to stop.
After the New Strict Breeding Laws are enacted we will ask them to use their publication to make the public aware of the Strict New Breeding laws, the STIFF PENALTIES for breaking them, and the financial REWARDS FOR INFORMATION LEADING TO THE ARREST AND CONVICTION OF PEOPLE ILLEGALLY BREEDING ANIMALS.